Understanding Context Attributes
This lesson focuses on understanding the concepts of context attributes and evaluation contexts.
15 min
Developer Contexts, Rules, and Targeting
Demo: Implementing an SDK
Learn how to implement an SDK in LaunchDarkly by configuring your project and environment, retrieving your SDK key, installing the SDK in your code, and initializing the LaunchDarkly client.
5 min
Developer SDK
Using Code References to Improve Flag Hygiene
In this lesson, you will learn about flag hygiene and how to use Code References to find and remove references to flags.
15 min
Getting Started with Live Events
This lesson focuses on teaching users how to navigate and understand the Live Events Page in LaunchDarkly.
10 min
Tech Talks
30 minute technical discussions on frequently asked questions and best practices.
Save My Spot
Understanding Deployment vs. Release
This lesson teaches about the difference between deployment and release and describes the purpose and value of feature flags.
5 min
Tech Talk - Scaling your LaunchDarkly Implementation
See what success looks like with LaunchDarkly
31 min
Tech Talk
Getting Started with the Contexts List
In this lesson, you will learn how to navigate the contexts list and modify feature flags for a context instance.
10 min
Developer Contexts, Rules, and Targeting
Tech Talk - Trunk Based Development
Pairing feature flags from LaunchDarkly with trunk based development can be a powerful catalyst of developer productivity.
25 min
Intermediate 30 min or less Developer Tech Talk
Tech Talk - Ctrl+Z Chronicles: Mastering Architectural Redundancies
Learn about the LaunchDarkly Flag Delivery Network, the powerful global architecture underpins our commitment to get flag information and updates to all of our clients and serve trillions of flags a day.
24 min
30 min or less Video Tech Talk
Understanding Workflows
This lesson teaches about workflows, including their purpose and types, and how to build, view, and edit them.
5 min
Developer Workflows
Understanding Best Practices for Improving Flag Usage in Code
This lesson covers best practices for improving flag usage in code, refactoring flagged code to reduce merge conflicts, improving code quality while using flags, and reducing technical flag debt.
15 min
The Relay Proxy
Learn what the Relay Proxy is, how it can be configured, when it should be used, as well as how to deploy and troubleshoot it.
Gold Developer Certification
Earn your Gold certification to demonstrate your expert-level LaunchDarkly and feature management skills.
Learn More
Demo: Configuring a Percentage Rollout
In this lesson, you will learn about the concept of a percentage rollout and how to configure a targeting rule for it.
10 min
Developer Contexts, Rules, and Targeting
Account Settings Overview
Learn how to identify Admin capabilities within the Account settings tab in LaunchDarkly.
10 min
Demo: Using Code References
In this lesson, you will learn how to use Code References in LaunchDarkly to find flags in your code and recognize how to use them.
6 min
Rule Evaluation with Flags
In this lesson, you will learn about flag variations, their types, and their purpose, as well as rule evaluation within the LaunchDarkly application.
Developer Contexts, Rules, and Targeting
Tech Talk: Exploring what's next with Release Guardian and OpenTelemetry
Release-level observability
28 min
Tech Talk
Silver Developer Certification
Earn your Silver certification to demonstrate your foundational LaunchDarkly and feature management skills.
Certification Learn More
Getting Started with Segments
This lesson covers segment management, including identifying segment types, creating and customizing segments, and converting targeting rules to standard segments.
10 min
Developer Segments
Using Flag Triggers
This lesson focuses on flag triggers and their purpose, security, common integrations, and how to create and manage them.
10 min
Developer Operational Flags
Inviting, Provisioning, and Managing LaunchDarkly Account Members
Learn how to invite account members, manage member permissions, and enable provisions such as SSO.
10 min
LaunchDarkly User Interface Overview
This lesson covers the basics of navigating the LaunchDarkly user interface.
5 min
Developer Admin
Tech Talk: Migrating to Custom Contexts
Learn how to set up contexts that suit your business needs, then use them for more convenient and powerful targeting.
22 min
Beginner Self guided 30 min or less Video Tech Talk Targeting
Managing Your LaunchDarkly Environments
Learn how to open, switch, create, clone, and delete environments in LaunchDarkly.
10 min
Self guided Admin
Managing Sessions
Learn about configuring session length and how to revoke sessions in LaunchDarkly.
10 min
Self guided Admin
Exploring the Billing Tab and Self-Service Billing Capabilities
Learn about locating information in the billing tab and how to change payment settings or methods.
15 min
Self guided Admin
Demo: Feature Flag Automation and Workflows
In this lesson, you will learn how to get started with automation and workflows in LaunchDarkly and recognize how to build workflows.
10 min
Developer Workflows
Getting Started with the Audit Log and History Tabs
This lesson covers understanding the LaunchDarkly audit log and its history tabs and available integrations.
5 min
Tech Talk - Workflows and Release Strategies
Learn about how to launch features with contexts and the SDK, as well as codify your process using workflows.
24 min
Intermediate 30 min or less Tech Talk
Using Entitlements to Manage End-User Experience
In this lesson, you will learn about the purpose of entitlements and how they are used to manage the end user experience.
10 min
Developer Entitlements
A Brief Refresher on Contexts
Short lesson that explains how to use feature flags in your product by creating custom contexts for people, services, machines, or other resources, and categorizing them based on their attributes
5 min
Developer Segments
Making the Case for Bayesian Statistics
This lesson introduces the difference between frequentist and Bayesian statistics and explains the basics of Bayesian statistics and its importance in LaunchDarkly.
15 min
Experimentation Developer
Managing a Team
Learn how to create, manage, and assign roles using teams in LaunchDarkly.
10 min
Self guided Admin
Considerations for Successful SDK Implementation
Learn about the essential factors that can impact a successful implementation of SDK initialization.
5 min
Developer SDK
Demo: Using Flag Triggers
In this lesson, you will learn how to use Flag Triggers in LaunchDarkly to configure and manage triggers associated with feature flags.
5 min
Developer Operational Flags
Getting Started with SDKs
This lesson helps you understand the prerequisites and differences between client and server-side SDKs, and choose the best SDK for your use case.
15 min
Developer SDK
Understanding the Difference Between Users and Contexts
This course is to help you get more familiar with the new concept of LaunchDarkly custom contexts.
Get Started
Demo: Creating Your First Flag
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a feature flag in LaunchDarkly through a step-by-step demo.
5 min
Understanding Entitlement Best Practices
Explore best practices for managing entitlement-related feature flags, including effective flag naming, using automated segments for targeting, and implementing testing plans and designs to ensure the flags remain healthy.
5 min
Developer Entitlements
Understanding the Lifecycle of a Test Plan and Designing Experiments
In this lesson, you will learn how to describe the lifecycle of an experimentation test plan and recognize best practices when designing experiments.
15 min
Experimentation Developer
Understanding LaunchDarkly Project Architecture
This lesson covers the core concepts of project architecture and data hierarchy, and after completing it, learners should be able to explain these concepts.
10 min
Getting Started with Feature Workflows and Approvals
This lesson covers the purpose and features of workflows, approvals and their use cases, and how to manage approvals in LaunchDarkly by configuring them per environment.
10 min
Developer Workflows
Migrating Between Databases with Feature Flags
This lesson teaches how to use feature flags to manage database migrations, including how to roll out the migration and migrate to a new schema using feature flags.
15 min
Verifying Your Platform Readiness
The objective of this lesson is to provide guidelines for determining whether a user is ready to implement a LaunchDarkly SDK for their software development project.
5 min
Developer SDK
Implementing Scheduled Flag Changes
In this lesson, you will learn how to use scheduled flag changes to automate changes to feature flags, manage conflicts, and improve workflow efficiency in LaunchDarkly.
10 min
Developer Workflows
Introduction to Migrations with Feature Flags
The lesson aims to help understand the benefits of using feature flags for managing migrations.
5 min
Demo: Creating Targeting Rules with Flags
This lesson provides a demo on creating targeted flag rules in LaunchDarkly.
10 min
Developer Contexts, Rules, and Targeting
Getting Started with Flag Hierarchy and Prerequisite Flags
This lesson teaches the concept of flag hierarchy, prerequisite flags, dependent flags, feature bundling and decommissioning, and how to create them.
10 min
Demo: Custom Contexts Overview
In this lesson, you will be introduced to custom contexts in LaunchDarkly through a demo, and you will learn about the purpose and uses of custom contexts.
10 min
Developer Contexts, Rules, and Targeting
Introduction to Experimentation
This lesson covers the importance and benefits of experimentation, its use cases and metrics, involving stakeholders, and how LaunchDarkly can help overcome challenges in getting started with experimentation.
15 min
Experimentation Developer
Platinum Developer Certification
Earn your Platinum certification to demonstrate your mastery of LaunchDarkly and feature management skills.
Learn More
Managing Your LaunchDarkly Projects
Learn how to create or delete a project and how to configure a project flag's defaults in LaunchDarkly.
10 min
Self guided
Tech Talk - Private Attributes
Learn how can you target on sensitive information while maintaining security in LaunchDarkly.
30 min
Intermediate 30 min or less Developer Tech Talk
Success Office Hours
30-minute open Q&A with members of our technical team!
Save My Spot
Tech Talk: Effective Targeting
Walking through Targeting from basic to advanced
27 min
Intermediate Self guided 30 min or less Video Tech Talk Targeting
Using API tokens
This lesson covers API access token types and how to create them.
10 min
Tech Talk - Anti-patterns and Experimentation
Learn about detrimental practices, get actionable insights to avoid them, and ultimately optimize your experimentation process.
23 min
Intermediate Experimentation 30 min or less Video Tech Talk
Getting Started with Integrations
This lesson covers common LaunchDarkly integrations and provides resources for implementing them.
15 min
Integrations Developer
Introduction to Operational Flags and Common Use Cases
The lesson teaches about operational flags, their purpose, and common use cases and best practices to implement them.
15 min
Developer Operational Flags
Understanding and Enabling Required Comments
This lesson focuses on understanding the purpose of required comments and how to enable them in LaunchDarkly.
5 min
Developer Workflows
Understanding Roles, Custom Roles, and Permissions
In this lesson, you will learn about LaunchDarkly account members, built-in roles and permissions, and how they interact with custom roles.
10 min
Tech Talk - Jumpstart Product Experimentation and Optimize Funnels
Maximize the business impact of every product feature
29 min
Tech Talk
Tech Talk - Protect Your Releases with Release Guardian
Automatically detect and resolve bugs
28 min
Tech Talk
Tech Talk - Effective Naming Conventions
Learn how naming flags can help communicate information and better organize your code.
18 min
Beginner Self guided 30 min or less Video Tech Talk
Custom Contexts Introduction
This lesson provides an introduction to custom contexts in LaunchDarkly, and teaches the definition of custom contexts, context kinds, multi-contexts, context instances, associated contexts, and context instance versions.
15 min
Developer Contexts, Rules, and Targeting
Academy Analytics Dashboard Walkthrough
View your team members' progress in LaunchDarkly Academy with the Analytics Dashboard.
3 min
Admin Analytics
Getting Started with LaunchDarkly Teams
Learn about the benefits of the Teams feature in LaunchDarkly and how they can be used effectively.
Self guided Admin
Tech Talk: LaunchDarkly Relay Proxy
Learn what the Relay Proxy is for and how to scale and manage it effectively.
42 min
Advanced Self guided 30 min - 1 hour Video Tech Talk Relay Proxy
Creating Your Organization’s Own Custom Roles
Learn how to recognize best practices for creating your organization's custom roles in LaunchDarkly.
10 min
Getting Started with Flags
This lesson covers the basics of flags, including categories, use cases, naming conventions, and the lifecycle of a flag.
20 min
LaunchDarkly for Admins
Discover how LaunchDarkly for Admins streamlines the configuration and administration of the LaunchDarkly Platform, empowering your technology teams to efficiently create high-quality software.
4 Courses
Platform Readiness
Digital version of the Platform Readiness engagement
Discover De-risked Releases
Control rollouts, recover from errors instantly, and scale modern practices across your organization.
2 Courses
Tech Talk - LaunchDarkly in Federal Environments
Learn how your business or agency can leverage LaunchDarkly in your own privileged environments and bring the value of feature management over the boundary.
19 min
Beginner 30 min or less Video
LaunchDarkly for Developers
Gain the knowledge and practice you need to start using LaunchDarkly quickly and confidently.
5 Courses
Bronze Developer Certification
Earn your Bronze Developer certification to demonstrate your basic understanding of LaunchDarkly and feature management.
Learn More
LaunchDarkly Core Use Cases
Get ready to learn more about the LaunchDarkly core use cases and help you unlock the power of the platform and be empowered to ship with confidence.
8 Courses
Core Use Cases
Tech Talk - CI/CD Implementations
Tech Talk focused on feature flags and CI/CD pipelines.
29 min
Self guided Integrations Automation 30 min or less Video Tech Talk
Tech Talk - The Culture of Experimentation
Learn how experimentation can improve your software.
27 min
Intermediate Self guided Experimentation 30 min or less Video Developer Tech Talk
Tech Talk - Recommendations for More Automation
Learn more about how LaunchDarkly can help automate a wide variety of actions in the Software development lifecycle
25 min
Intermediate Self guided Automation 30 min or less Video Developer Tech Talk
Tech Talk - Using Integrations to Make Releases Safer
Learn how LaunchDarkly integrations can help diagnose problems and even automate fixes with flag triggers
40 min
Intermediate Self guided 30 min - 1 hour Video Developer Tech Talk
Tech Talk - Going Further with LaunchDarkly Data Export
Learn how LaunchDarkly's Data Export works to provide deeper insights.
27 min
Intermediate Self guided Experimentation 30 min or less Video Developer Tech Talk
Tech Talk - Efficiently Migrating to LaunchDarkly
Join us to learn more about migrating to LaunchDarkly and some strategies to help set your organization up for success.
16 min
Beginner 30 min or less Tech Talk
Tech Talk - Feature Management in Agile Methodologies
Learn from our team about what practices we have seen drive the most success and how to frame them in the context of your own operating model.
27 min
30 min or less Video Tech Talk
Zero in on Targeted Experiences
Deliver targeted product experiences to any user segment.
3 Courses
Achieve Mobile Release Optimization
Release mobile features and fixes on your schedule, not theirs.
1 Course
Explore Product Experimentation
Maximize the business impact of every product feature through experimentation.
3 Courses
LaunchDarkly for Beginners - Live Sessions
Get an overview of LaunchDarkly and how feature management can help you innovate faster and deploy fearlessly.
Beginner Save My Spot
Tech Talk - Innovation Unveiled Galaxy24
Catch the on-demand recap of our annual user conference, Galaxy! Dive into demos and discussions of all the exciting product announcements and new features unveiled.
59 min
Tech Talk
Tech Talk: Optimize the Mobile App Version Lifecycle
Release mobile features and fixes on your schedule, not theirs.
24 min
Tech Talk
Tech Talk: Navigating Flag-Based Testing
Dive into the world of testing with flags
39 min
Tech Talk
Tech Talk - Explore the Possibilities of GenAI with LaunchDarkly
Delve into the transformative world of GenAI with LaunchDarkly
27 min
Tech Talk
Tech Talk: Revealing Tomorrow: Preview What’s Next with Experimentation
Explore the 'why' behind the build
28 min
Tech Talk
Tech Talk - Targeting with Contexts
Targeting is a core part of feature management and the key to fully realizing the value of LaunchDarkly.
18 min
30 min or less Video Tech Talk Targeting Contexts, Rules, and Targeting
Tech Talk - Making Infrastructure Migrations Less Scary
Learn how to use feature flags in LaunchDarkly for database changes and microservice rearchitecture, de-risking every step of the way.
30 min
30 min or less
Tech Talk - Leveraging Events in Development
Learn about the different levels of event information available in the LaunchDarkly Dashboard.
Beginner Intermediate 30 min or less Video Tech Talk
Tech Talk - How Release Guardian catches bugs before they become outages
Release software faster and safer with Release Guardian
36 min
Tech Talk
Tech Talk - LaunchDarkly Anti-Patterns
Learn some of the common mistakes new users make that prevent them from getting the most out of their feature flags management.
31 min
Beginner 30 min - 1 hour Developer Tech Talk
Tech Talk: Custom Roles
Learn how to leverage LaunchDarkly's implementation of Role Based Access Controls (RBAC) to safely scale and manage feature management across your organization.
19 min
Beginner Intermediate 30 min or less Video Tech Talk
Tech Talk - SDK Wrappers
Build a strong foundation for feature management in LaunchDarkly by leveraging a wrapper around your SDK.
20 min
Beginner Intermediate 30 min or less Video Tech Talk SDK
Best Practices for Product Experimentation
Get technical and operational advice from LaunchDarkly experts.
65 min
Product Experimentation in Action
See how to experiment, optimize performance, and get faster results at scale.
45 min
Dive Into Product Experimentation
Learn how to drive business impact with experimentation.
30 min
Stage 4: Zero Gravity
Learn about efficient utilization of the Billing tab, harnessing the collaborative power of the Teams feature, and maximizing the potential of the Relay Proxy.
2 hours
Stage 1: Mission Control
Develop proficiency in roles, custom roles, and permissions, enabling you to effectively configure and manage LaunchDarkly's powerful account management system.
1 hour
Stage 2: Flight Plan
Explore setting up projects and environments, encompassing tasks such as creating, deleting, and configuring project flag defaults, as well as managing environments and understanding the lifecycle of flags.
2 hours
Stage 3: Rocket Boost
Delve into key topics, including effective authorization and access management, seamless integrations, and leveraging the audit log for enhanced visibility.
2 hours
Targeted Experiences in Action
See how to target any customer segment with ease.
60 min
Best Practices for Targeted Experiences
Get technical and operational advice from LaunchDarkly experts.
35 min
Dive Into Targeted Experiences
Learn how to deliver targeted product experiences.
30 min
De-risked Releases in Action
See how to move fast and succeed at scale.
45 min
Dive Into De-Risked Releases
Learn how teams deploy more often and release without risk.
30 min
Dive Into Mobile Release Optimization
Learn how to release mobile features and fixes on your schedule.
30 min
Stage 3: Shuttle Launch
Reach new heights with LaunchDarkly with flag hierarchies, flag relationships, workflows, approvals, and more.
2 hours
Learning Path
Stage 1: Pre-flight Check
Prepare for launch with platform readiness and application readiness guidance.
1 hour
Beginner Learning Path
Stage 4: Space Walk
Master LaunchDarkly by learning how to use code references, create experiments, and use even more advanced features and functionality.
2 hours
Advanced Learning Path
Stage 2: Flight School
Learn how to create feature flags, how to target users, and how to configure a percentage rollout to your users.
2 hours
Learning Path
Best Practices for Product Experimentation
Get technical and operational advice from LaunchDarkly experts.
65 min
Product Experimentation in Action
See how to experiment, optimize performance, and get faster results at scale.
45 min
Dive Into Product Experimentation
Learn how to drive business impact with experimentation.
30 min
Stage 4: Zero Gravity
Learn about efficient utilization of the Billing tab, harnessing the collaborative power of the Teams feature, and maximizing the potential of the Relay Proxy.
2 hours
Stage 1: Mission Control
Develop proficiency in roles, custom roles, and permissions, enabling you to effectively configure and manage LaunchDarkly's powerful account management system.
1 hour
Stage 2: Flight Plan
Explore setting up projects and environments, encompassing tasks such as creating, deleting, and configuring project flag defaults, as well as managing environments and understanding the lifecycle of flags.
2 hours
Stage 3: Rocket Boost
Delve into key topics, including effective authorization and access management, seamless integrations, and leveraging the audit log for enhanced visibility.
2 hours
Targeted Experiences in Action
See how to target any customer segment with ease.
60 min
Best Practices for Targeted Experiences
Get technical and operational advice from LaunchDarkly experts.
35 min
Dive Into Targeted Experiences
Learn how to deliver targeted product experiences.
30 min
De-risked Releases in Action
See how to move fast and succeed at scale.
45 min
Dive Into Targeted Experiences
Learn how to deliver targeted product experiences.
30 min
Best Practices for Product Experimentation
Get technical and operational advice from LaunchDarkly experts.
65 min
Product Experimentation in Action
See how to experiment, optimize performance, and get faster results at scale.
45 min
Targeted Experiences in Action
See how to target any customer segment with ease.
60 min
Dive Into Product Experimentation
Learn how to drive business impact with experimentation.
30 min
Best Practices for Targeted Experiences
Get technical and operational advice from LaunchDarkly experts.
35 min
Dive Into De-Risked Releases
Learn how teams deploy more often and release without risk.
30 min
Dive Into De-Risked Releases
Learn how teams deploy more often and release without risk.
30 min
De-risked Releases in Action
See how to move fast and succeed at scale.
45 min
Dive Into Mobile Release Optimization
Learn how to release mobile features and fixes on your schedule.
30 min
Bronze Developer Certification
Earn your Bronze Developer certification to demonstrate your basic understanding of LaunchDarkly and feature management.
Learn More
Stage 3: Shuttle Launch
Reach new heights with LaunchDarkly with flag hierarchies, flag relationships, workflows, approvals, and more.
2 hours
Learning Path
Stage 1: Pre-flight Check
Prepare for launch with platform readiness and application readiness guidance.
1 hour
Beginner Learning Path
Stage 4: Space Walk
Master LaunchDarkly by learning how to use code references, create experiments, and use even more advanced features and functionality.
2 hours
Advanced Learning Path
Stage 2: Flight School
Learn how to create feature flags, how to target users, and how to configure a percentage rollout to your users.
2 hours
Learning Path
Best Practices for Product Experimentation
Get technical and operational advice from LaunchDarkly experts.
65 min
Product Experimentation in Action
See how to experiment, optimize performance, and get faster results at scale.
45 min
Dive Into Product Experimentation
Learn how to drive business impact with experimentation.
30 min
Stage 4: Zero Gravity
Learn about efficient utilization of the Billing tab, harnessing the collaborative power of the Teams feature, and maximizing the potential of the Relay Proxy.
2 hours
Stage 1: Mission Control
Develop proficiency in roles, custom roles, and permissions, enabling you to effectively configure and manage LaunchDarkly's powerful account management system.
1 hour
Stage 2: Flight Plan
Explore setting up projects and environments, encompassing tasks such as creating, deleting, and configuring project flag defaults, as well as managing environments and understanding the lifecycle of flags.
2 hours
Stage 3: Rocket Boost
Delve into key topics, including effective authorization and access management, seamless integrations, and leveraging the audit log for enhanced visibility.
2 hours
Targeted Experiences in Action
See how to target any customer segment with ease.
60 min
Best Practices for Targeted Experiences
Get technical and operational advice from LaunchDarkly experts.
35 min
Dive Into Targeted Experiences
Learn how to deliver targeted product experiences.
30 min
De-risked Releases in Action
See how to move fast and succeed at scale.
45 min
Dive Into De-Risked Releases
Learn how teams deploy more often and release without risk.
30 min
Dive Into Mobile Release Optimization
Learn how to release mobile features and fixes on your schedule.
30 min
Stage 3: Shuttle Launch
Reach new heights with LaunchDarkly with flag hierarchies, flag relationships, workflows, approvals, and more.
2 hours
Learning Path
Stage 1: Pre-flight Check
Prepare for launch with platform readiness and application readiness guidance.
1 hour
Beginner Learning Path
Stage 4: Space Walk
Master LaunchDarkly by learning how to use code references, create experiments, and use even more advanced features and functionality.
2 hours
Advanced Learning Path
Stage 2: Flight School
Learn how to create feature flags, how to target users, and how to configure a percentage rollout to your users.
2 hours
Learning Path